Monday, 10 October 2011

3rd October – Starting off with Competencies Analysis

Starting off in this session, we were informed that we’re going to learn about Competencies analysis which is quite different from SWAIN analysis. This analysis however, talks in much more details about ourselves and as to whether we can give real examples in each competency. This analysis itself consists of 10 main competences which includes Personal Management, Communication, Managing information, Research and analysis, Project, task and organisational skill, Teamwork, Commitment to quality Professional behaviour, Social responsibility and Continuous learning.
This allows us, and the employers to know more about ourselves rather than just knowing our strengths, weaknesses and aspirations. This also allows them to know exactly if they are selecting the correct candidate and whether or not the candidate has similar experience, motivation and interest in order to achieve a particular goal in that job.
I found this analysis to be very helpful for me as I can talk about my previous work experiences, skills, and can apply to each core analysis. This will help me as it will prepare me well in advance for an interview as I would know exactly what I have to speak and explain when the employer asks me about my real life examples.

26th September – SWAIN Analysis

In this session, I was asked to undertake SWAIN Analysis. At first I had no clue about what it is about as it was new to me, however later on I grasped onto the main key elements in which will reflect to what I want to achieve in future and what I need to do in order to remedy my weaknesses. SWAIN Analysis is shown as follows:
Performing this analysis helped me a lot, as it made me think as to what are my main strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, interests and needs. And also to make a note of areas in which I am good at and in which I need to work on and improve. Therefore, while doing this analysis I came across my 5 main Strengths, Aspirations and Priority needs and also made me think what my main ambitions are and how to plan and achieve my goals. It also pointed out my weaknesses and how will I overcome these weaknesses.
After doing this analysis, I had to then complete an action point for these 5 elements as to what have I planned in order to improve these elements.
After completing the SWAIN Analysis, we had to convert our document into PDF format and transfer it to our online portfolio (Livebinder). In livebinder, we had to change the text format to ‘small text media’ which then had to describe in short what the analysis was about.
I believe by doing the SWAIN Analysis, it has highlighted what my main strengths are in order to work towards my aspirations and achieve them.